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Veggie Tales

Just a Thought!

True Happiness;

Incredible joy awaits you, and eternal life.


    I have experienced living Hell.  I have experienced true Happiness.

 I feel blessed to have lived and experienced the good and bad things in my life.

Those things, even the horrible things in my life have shaped who I am today.

    After much research I have learned that Hell is described in several ways. The one that stands out in my mind the most is the deep pit with a locked gate and bars. In effect a prison of pain, and torment. Another is an eternally burning pit with wailing and gnashing of teeth. The most tragic description is a total and permanent separation from God.

   I am dumbfounded when I think of people living in darkness without Christ. People that have no true happiness, yet they are ignorant of the fact. I think how could anyone not want to be close to his Majesty?

    I noticed that many people tend to want to be their own God; some people want to be in control of their own destiny. I am forever grateful to God that Jesus is in control of my life.

     My question for the atheist and Gnostics is: what if you're wrong and God is real?

What if all the energy you spend on taking away from His people puts you in a place worse than death? Look around, do you really think all of this life and beauty around you is an accident?  (Give me a break)

   I have no doubts that God is real and Jesus is his only son sent to die as a sacrifice for the sins of the world; then was raised to break the bonds of death and hell. Not just for himself but he broke those bonds for all of the people that believe in him (the sheep of his pasture).

   I know he is real because I know him personally. I met him one day for the first time at age 14 when I accepted him into my life, 30 years ago. I look back and cry when I think of all those people that don't want to give in to the call of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is calling

Please don't wait. I have never felt so much joy, until I yielded my life to the precious son of God. I met him again when I died in an ambulance. We had a wonderful meeting; he gave me all the hope in the world. He gave me promise. Again, he gave me life.

    I am fortunate that God spoke to me when I was a youth. I knew what he had in store for me at that time. Unfortunately, I spent many years avoiding his calling for me. So, I understand how hard it is to give in, our flesh was made weak. But, proudly I share with you that the hell in my life is now faded in the past, and the Lord has removed most of the pain from my memory. That is to say, the things that I have placed at the feet of Jesus have been attended to by him.

    I will never understand how I lived or survived when I turned my back on God and ran to hide from his ministry. I am happiest when I turn my eyes upon Jesus, my Lord.

He has given me true happiness, and such a wonderful feeling like none other I have ever experienced. Jesus is so involved in my life now; I have purpose. I just wish that I could let you feel the incredible Joy I feel since I let him rule my life.

   Please let go, and let him be your everything.  Let him in while there is time. Time is  so short.

  I promise; He promises true joy. God makes me feel so incredibly joyful and he puts me in awe when I worship him.

 The only price we have to pay is: acceptance, and belief. Many people won't give in because they don't want to give up their old habits and vices.

 Trust me when I say, if you give Jesus your all, you won't care about those things that hinder you from serving Him.    Incredible joy awaits you, and eternal life.

God gives each of us a choice; its really in black and white. Our choices are everlasting life in God's presence or, eternal death, and separation from God.

I hope you choose Life.

Bro. Stanley Buck




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